How to remove bitter taste from poppy seeds? Bakers tips

What to do when poppy seeds taste bitter?

How to save the bitter taste of poppy seeds so you cans till use it for baking? What to do when your poppy seeds taste bitter?

Don't throw it to the bin, you still can fix it. 

How do you use poppy seeds?

Poopy seeds are known for their distinctive taste and crunch. 

Poppy seeds are a nice topping for your baked goodies, like breads, muffins, cupcakes, croissants . We cannot imagine pretzels without it, right?


Are poppy seeds healthy? 

Poppy seeds are rich in important nutrients. They are a great source of unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, potassium, and iron. The also contains vitamins B, vitamin A, D. 


How to save bitter poppy seeds? 

Bitter poppy seeds can destroy every dish. To avoid the unpleasant bitter taste, remember to wash your poppy seeds with cold water. Let them stay in water for about 15 minutes. Next step is to  wash the poppy seeds in hot water or milk.

At the end of the process you can add a bit of vanilla or almond aroma that will add a pleasant smell and taste. 

If you want to use the poppy seeds for cakes and desserts, you need to cook it. 

Cooking poppy seeds

Cook it with fresh water or milk for about 20-30 minutes on low heat. Stir slowly all the time so it doesn't burn.  Drain the poppy seeds from all the excess liquid. 

The poppy seeds will become humid mass which is ready to be used for cakes. Thanks to this the poppy seed part of the cake won't be crumbling when the cake is being cut. 

If you still feel the bitter taster after treating the poppy seeds with hot liquid, please repeat the entire process. When the poppy seeds are cooked set them aside for a couple of hours in a cool place and let it soak the moisture. Thanks to this, it will become softer.  You can add a bit of honey or cream which will help to neutralise the flavour. 




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