Ultra-processed foods vs unprocessed foods - What foods are not UPF?

Foods that “unprocessed or minimally processed food” are better for you and that's what you should look for to avoid ultra processed foods.

Unprocessed or minimally processed foods

Unprocessed foods are foods that were not processed in any way in a production plant or factory. They are fresh or dried and all their nutritional benefits are preserved.

This includes whole foods such as fresh and frozen veggies and fruits, dried fruit and vegetables, pulses and legumes, nuts, seeds, grains, flour, mushrooms, herbs, spices, milk and natural plain yoghurt, fresh meat and fish, eggs, pasta, rice and couscous.


Minimally processed culinary ingredients

This includes things such as vegetable oils such as olive oil and sunflower oil, nut butters, butter, natural honey, agave, maple syrup and sugar, salt and vinegar, tinned vegetables (no additives), freshly made bread, cheese, cured meat, smoked fish; and salted nuts and seeds (or sugared, honey coated etc). 


Unprocessed foodsWholefoods

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