What Does the Future Hold for the Holistic Health Industry? | Wholefood Earth®

With this generation's greater awareness of the importance of health and fitness, the holistic health industry is in a good position to educate the public about the importance of bringing balance into our everyday lives. Health is no longer only measured by tests run by medical organisations. Other forms of health such as nutritional health, emotional health, social health, and mental health all play a role in our lives. Only by being balanced in all different aspects of life can we truly be considered well. With the growing popularity of holistic health, new and improved lifestyle trends are starting to make their way to the public.

More Options in Food Delivery Subscriptions

One area where holistic health has really made an impact is through a wider selection of healthy meal kit services. In the UK, multiple food delivery subscriptions are available to teach you how to prepare healthy meals at home. The kits usually come in the post packaged with dry ice to keep the ingredients thoroughly chilled. Everything you need is usually included in the kit, right down to the seasoning and recipe card. Due to holistic health's growing popularity, more vegan and vegetarian meal kits are now available.

Super Foods Will Become More Important

Diets are becoming more focused on superfoods. Superfoods are nutrient-rich foods containing specific minerals or vitamins that people usually lack in their diets. Since people usually consume more red meat, poultry, and carbohydrate-rich food groups in modern diets, superfoods are usually sourced from plants, seeds, nuts, or fruits. Antioxidants are a popular group of superfoods and can include blueberries, goji berries, mangosteens, green tea, and many others. Omega-3 rich food is essential for brain function and, aside from, fish can be obtained from seeds and nuts such as grounded flax seeds or chia seeds. Fiber, vitamin C, folate, zinc, and probiotics are all highly sought-after nutrients whose superfood version receives a lot of attention.

Increased Popularity of Online Workout Classes

People lead busy lives, and many holistic health services and products have evolved to find health solutions for these individuals. One of the growing trends where holistic products and services have evolved to meet these needs is the increasing number of providers of online workout classes. From Pilates to yoga, online workout classes allow people to take their workouts anywhere. A busy business owner traveling between conferences and seminars can easily access a meditation class from the comfort of a hotel room. The increased popularity of online workout classes and the anticipated transition to virtual reality enabled classes will be a growing trend in the holistic health industry.

More Research in Obscure Ingredients

With many superfoods such as acai, pitaya, and mangosteen coming from other countries, an interest in different cultures is growing. The holistic health industry is now re-examining previously discarded ingredients for nutritional benefits that were not as culturally accepted before. For example, hemp, which is different than CBD, has only recently been more seriously looked at. Hemp is an antioxidant, omega-3, and fiber superfood and comes in many forms. Hemp oil can be used for cooking. Hemp hearts can be used as toppings for yogurt, cereal, and oatmeal.

Focus on Mental and Emotional Health

Over the past few decades, holistic health has been trying to educate the public that a person's health is more than the metrics obtained from the doctor's office. A person's wellbeing takes into account a balance of mental health, emotional health, social health, physical health, and nutritional health. As social awareness grows, there is a growing trend to take better care of the other aspects of our well-being. A focus on mental and emotional health is a recent direction of the holistic health industry. Products such as meditation journals, guided self-discovery journals, virtual reality meditation headsets, and stress relieving breathing apps are new products that have garnered special attention.

The popularity of the holistic health industry is growing and it likely will stay popular for a while. People are learning more about their health every day, and the holistic health industry is noticing. With new holistic health trends entering the market every year, people have more options than ever before to take better care of themselves.

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