What to eat in 2023? Top food trends and tips.

1. Plant-Based food and drink

The plant-based diet is now mainstream. People are reducing meat and dairy consumption and embracing plant-based foods for health and environmental reasons. 

Young people are driving this plant-based food trend. They are aware of the impact meat consumption is having on the environment and how animals are treated in animal farms. In fact, the number of those identifying themselves as "vegan" has increased significantly in the U.K., especially among millennials and Gen Z.

Large and small food companies recognise the need to cater to this growing audience and offer meat and dairy replacements and alternatives - plant-based milk, plant-based meats, dairy-free yoghurts, vegan chocolate, snacks, and condiments. Brands are innovating their products, and today you can easily find plant-based meat alternatives and vegan cheese that perfectly mimic their traditional counterparts in looks, taste and texture.

More and more restaurants have been updating their menus to provide vegan and vegetarian options. 

Plant-based products to try on your menu and easy replacements: 

  • Look for meat-free burgers and sausages (made with plant-based protein from soy or pea) to replace traditional meat in your dishes
  • Plant-based milk and yoghurt (made with oats, almonds, soy, rice, coconut and nuts) for morning cereals and coffee (try barista oat milk)
  • Go for dairy-free nut-based cheese to replace fatty dairy cheese (try cashew-based camembert will satisfy all your cheese cravings) 
  • Choose whole foods - beans, lentils, chickpeas (for healthy and cheap plant-based meals)
  • Tofu and tempeh (healthy protein-packed products if you look for extra protein)


2. Fermented food and drinks

Foods that are good for your gut are becoming more popular among health-focused conscious consumers. A growing body of research finds links between gut bacteria and good overall health and immunity. To maintain a healthy gut, we should eat gut-friendly foods such as pickles, fermented foods, prebiotics, and probiotics. These foods may help prevent neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's. A healthy gut is also crucial for weight management and combating some disorders. You will likely see new fermented foods coming to the shops this year.


Good for your gut foods to try on your menu:

  • Kimchi - this Korean-style fermented cabbage is an excellent addition to many Asian dishes and a condiment
  • Pickled veggies - add them to your salads or enjoy as a healthy snack
  • Sauerkraut - this versatile condiment can be used in many dishes
  • Tofu and tempeh - fermented soy products, great meat replacements
  • Kefir drinks and kombucha - healthy and refreshing probiotic drinks

3. Superfood powders

The superfood trend has been with us for the last few years but it's only now that it is really exploding among health-conscious consumers. Spirulina and matcha are in almost every kitchen cupboard now. But the trend is always evolving, and this year you will see new amazing products arriving to the shops. Superfood powders are probably the easiest way to make some nutrient-rich meals even without spending long time cooking. You just add superfood powders to your smoothies, juices, cereals, pancakes, yogurts to enjoy a more balanced diet. The offer lots of benefits to your body. They are a great source of protein, rich vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, helping to fight free radicals. Full of amazing nutrients they improve energy energy levels and psychological function.
What are the latest trendy superfood products? Superfood powders, like turmeric latte, maca root, cacao, ground almond, moringa powder, Ceylon cinnamon, seaweed and mushroom powder. 

Superfood powders to try in your kitchen:

    • Ground almond, cinnamon, and maca powder - add them to your smoothies
    • Turmeric latte - enjoy in the morning instead of coffee latte
    • Cacao powder - enjoy in a breakfast power bowl with banana 
    • Ceylon cinnamon - top your yogurt with it
    • Moringa powder - great addition to all your drinks  

4. Everything mushrooms  

Mushrooms are are one of the nature’s hidden treasures. They can be used in many ways and add flavour to so many dishes. Mushrooms with their earthy umami taste fit into every meal, every cuisine, and every diet. But they also offer great nutritional and functional benefits. The plant-based diets popularity is driving the demand for mushrooms of all kinds and today you will find them as main dish in many restaurants. In 2023, mushrooms should be the new staple in your kitchen. They are also available in powders and as mushroom seasoning. 

Mushroom products to try in your cooking: 

  • Cook with fresh mushrooms - it's a great alternative for meat
  • Add dried mushroom to your stews and soups for extra umami flavour
  • Add some mushroom powder to your savoury dishes
  • Use mushroom powder or seasoning as a topping for soups and salads

5. Budget friendly: zero-waste and batch cooking 

The days of wasting food are over. As rapid population growth puts a strain on natural resources and food supplies, and inflation is hitting our wallets. We have to look for creative ways to make food without wasting any bit of it. Zero-waste and batch cooking are a great ways to reduce food waste ensuring a healthier and cheaper way of eating. 

Zero-waste tips to try in your kitchen:

  • Use wonky vegetables and fruits 
  • Don't throw away the leaves, use entire greens - try putting cauliflower leaves into some of your dishes 
  • Use the whole veggies – cook more soups from the scratch
  • Make pestos and garnishes with peels
  • Cook for the entire week in one go and freeze the meals
  • Prepare the ingredients ahead of cooking 
  • Cool the portions before freezing


6. Pasta made from legumes and pulses

Eating fruits and vegetables is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. When you eat enough produce rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre, you offer your body great benefits like a reduced risk of many diseases, energy and improved brain health. Now, it's even easier to sneak in a serving of veggies with a speciality plant-based pasta made with chickpeas, beans, lentils or peas. They are rich in protein, dietary fibre and vitamins. Legumes pasta contains four times the amount of fibre when compared to traditional pasta and one third less carbohydrates so they are perfect solution for all pasta-lovers who want to eat healthier.

  • Replace traditional pasta with plant-based pasta for extra nutritional benefits
  • Pair legumes pasta with your favourite sauces


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