Wholefood Earth Black Friday Sale 2020 | Wholefood Earth®


We know. Black Friday sales are a strange cultural phenomenon. The US celebration of the first Friday after Thanksgiving seems like an odd cultural import to the UK; a county which doesn’t celebrate Thanks Giving at all!

Since the inception of this informal calendar day, it’s been used by brands a springboard into the Christmas sales. To be fair, what better time is there? 

While we here in Great Britain might shun such a card-company-holiday as a cynical attempt to get people down to the shops, we here at Wholefood Earth think there are a few redeeming features. Firstly, sales. Who doesn’t like a bargain? Secondly, the chance for us to say thank you to our customers. 

As an extension of our gratitude for entrusting us to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet through the tribulations of 2020, we're giving you 15% off anything you need to stock up a healthy pantry for a wholesome 2021.

For us, 2020 has been a year of change, but our commitments to you remain the same:

- Affordable healthy wholefood
- Friendly personal customer services
- Sustainably sourced products
- No toxic pesticides/chemicals

That's a promise from everyone at Wholefood Earth, to you.

To use the discount, simply type in “BF15” when prompted at checkout.

All good things must come to an end, for our 2020 Black Friday Sale, the end is the 29th of November, so there’s no hurry*.

*Unless you’re reading this on the 29/11/20 23:50, in which case, you’ve got just enough time but you’d better get a move on! 




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