Celtic sea salt - a must-have staple in your pantry

What is Celtic sea salt?

Celtic sea salt is moist salt harvested by hand on the coast of France. The salt has been traditionally harvested in those regions for over a thousand years! The salt crystals are created by the evaporation of sea or ocean water by the sun. Sea salt is fully mineralised salt of the highest potency, containing minerals and natural trace elements essential to the human body.


Benefits of Celtic sea salt

Sea salt improves digestion by helping to break down the complex carbohydrates of vegetables and grains. Natural Celtic sea salt does not create thirst, and in fact, it helps your body in hydration. Sea salt is often promoted as a healthier option than table salt. However, both sea salt and table salt have the same basic nutritional value. They contain comparable amounts of sodium by weight. That's why you should never forget to consume salt in moderation.


What is the difference between sea salt and table salt?

Sea salt has a different taste and texture than table salt. It is available in larger grains or crystals, while table salt comes in much tinier fine grains. Table salt is mined from underground and needs to be processed in order to remove other minerals, and then it's usually fortified with iodine. Sea salt doesn't have to go through this process. It has a natural iodine content, however, it's quite small.  

Cooking with sea salt

Sea salt is used to enhance the flavour and aroma of food. It can provide a different mouthfeel to the dishes and may change flavour due to its different rate of dissolution. Some chefs claim sea salt is tastier than table salt. Sea salt has a slightly less intense salty flavour, so you might want to add more of it to the food than table salt. 


Storing Celtic sea salt

The moist, coarse sea salt crystals are best stored in natural clay or wooden containers that allow the salt to “breathe”. 

Celtic sea saltMinerals-salts

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