How to Stock a Healthy Pantry | Wholefood Earth®

How to Stock a Healthy Pantry

The best pantry items last, on average, four months to a year without spoiling — meaning 1) you always have the building blocks of a health-conscious home-cooked meal and 2) you can say goodbye to impulsively ordering take-out because there’s nothing on-hand.
Food Trends 2021 | Wholefood Earth®

Food Trends 2021

food trends

Every year, the food industry discovers new fads, new diets, and new ways of delivering them to your table – and 2021 will be no exception. This year, we're calling it early. You heard it here first.

What is Diatomaceous Earth? | Wholefood Earth®

What is Diatomaceous Earth?

Diatomaceous earth is a naturally occurring sand made from the fossilized remains of diatoms. These are tiny aquatic organisms whose skeletons are composed of natural silica – an essential ingredient of diatomaceous earth.
Why You Should Use Natural Cleaners Around Your House | Wholefood Earth®

Why You Should Use Natural Cleaners Around Your House

Indoor cleaning products have long interested public health policymakers and medical researchers as sources of irritation and even disease. The mos...