Veganuary : One person going vegan won't make a difference, will it? | Wholefood Earth®

In a lifetime, each of us will eat more than 7,000 animals so by choosing to stop today, a lot of lives are spared. It won’t save the animals who are in farms and slaughterhouses today, of course, but it is a simple rule of economics that when demand decreases so does supply. Quite simply, as people buy fewer animal products, supermarkets and butchers will reduce their orders, and so fewer animals will be bred and killed.

We can see tangible changes in the farming industry specifically because people are going vegan. In the UK in 2016, sales of fresh meat were down by £328 million, fresh milk down by £54 million and cheese down by £73 million just in one year! And the UK with its half a million vegans is not alone. In the US, sales of meat have been declining for a decade, plant-based milk sales are worth $4.2 billion, and 16 million Americans eat no animal products at all. In Canada, annual meat consumption has been in decline since 2009 and 25 per cent of Canadians are moving towards plant-based recipes and products. In Australia, which is the third-fastest growing vegan market in the world behind China and the United Arab Emirates, sales of dairy are in decline as young people turn their backs on cheese and cows’ milk. And in Germany, 10 per cent of people are already meatless. Change is happening all around the world!

Alone, we spare the miserable suffering of thousands of animals, which is something extraordinary to be proud of, but together we are saving billions of lives and every person’s contribution counts.

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AnimalsHealthy livingVeganVegan adviceVegan blogsVegan for the animalsVeganuary

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