Wholesome Living

Crispy, fried, thick, and creamy – Potato starch can do many things!
How is Potato Starch Made?
Potatoes are well known for their healthy carbohydrates. Also known as ‘Starch’ (Polysaccharide), this side of a raw po...

Unveiling the Secrets of the Best Flours for Cooking and Baking
Flour is an essential ingredient in many of our households. Flour holds a structure that creates a useful base for many recipes in our everyday c...

Healthy oils to cook with - find the best oil for your needs
Extra virgin olive oil
Nutrition experts consider extra virgin olive oil as one of the healthiest and the most versatile to consume and cook with...

Healthier Easter treats for kids - tips for parents
Every year before the Easter holiday, supermarkets are flooded with hard-to-resist colourful sweets and chocolate treats. I know, I know they are ...

Lentils - The best protein source and the perfect legume to combat climate change
The humble lentils have many superpowers! It's time we give this legume the respect it deserves.
Lentils contain a lot of protein and more iron t...

You probably cook your pasta wrong - New study
Cooking pasta is one of the easiest things you can prepare in your kitchen.
Adding salt is supposed to enhance the flavour of the final dish - bu...

Processed foods linked to a higher risk of cancer - new study
According to a new study, increased consumption of ultra-processed foods may be linked to a higher risk of developing cancer.
Imperial's School o...

What types or raisins are the best?
Dried fruits are a highly nutritious snack options. One small piece of dried fruit contains about the same amount of nutrients as the fresh fruit,...

Macadamia Nuts - Everything you need to know
What are macadamia nuts?
Macadamia nuts are actually a type of seed from a Macadamia tree. The nuts are often roasted, salted, and used in choco...

Great for skin, hair and overall health - The benefits of citrus fruits
Missing some sunshine this winter? When it's gloomy, dark and cold, you can add some warmth to your diet by eating citrus fruits! They are now in ...

New study reveals intermittent fasting not so effective in weight loss
What to eat or when to eat?
What is the best time for dinner? Shall I have breakfast as soon as I wake up?
We used to think that the timing of me...

How many Brits will try a vegan lifestyle in January 2023?
According to new statistics from YouGov, almost three-quarters of Britons (73%) say they eat meat. The number of meat eaters is higher in men. Eig...