Wholesome Living

The Happier Meal is showcasing the benefits of organic food
Did you know you can make your meal happier, by using organic food?
The 'Happier Meal’ is a showcase of the nutritional benefits of organic food....

Organic September celebrates healthier ways of making food
What is Organic September?
Soil Association founded Organic September as a campaign aiming to raise awareness about organic foods and their benefi...

Your January Boost!
Mid-January can make us feel all a bit lost, but it’s time to get back to routine! Now the festive period is done and dusted, it’s time to get back...

Ageless Thanet - We have joined the local scheme!
Ageless Thanet provide FREE, high quality, local activities for all of Thanet’s 50+ residents. If you or someone you know are 50+, you could benefi...

Choosing the Right Diet for Your Dental Health
Achieving exceptional dental health goes way beyond simply practising good hygiene skills. In addition to regular visits to the dentist and a solid...

Organic Red Kidney Beans: You asked - You've got it!
Organic Red Kidney Beans, these dried red beauties have been in high demand from yourselves!Most weeks we have had customers come into the shop to ...

3 Natural Remedies and Why Medicine Wants to Explore Them
The opioid epidemic is a nationwide crisis and is quickly becoming a global problem. Over 12 million people abuse painkillers in the United States,...