Are macadamia nuts good for you?

Are macadamia nuts good for you?

macadamia nuts
Are macadamia nuts healthy?  Macadamia nuts are rich in nutrients. They are packed with healthy mono-saturated fats. They also contain vitamins (i...
Handful of nuts a day may help prevent depression - New study

Handful of nuts a day may help prevent depression - New study

The positive impact of nuts on our mental health Eating just a handful of organic nuts such as almonds, cashews, walnuts, peanuts,  pistachios, an...
Why are ultra-processed foods bad for you, and how to start avoiding them?

Why are ultra-processed foods bad for you, and how to start avoiding them?

whole foods
The industrialisation of the food system, technology and globalisation have led to a transition in our food habits. The dietary patterns worldwide...
Flours from around the world - everything you need to know

Flours from around the world - everything you need to know

Sorghum Flour   What is sorghum slour? Sorghum flour is a sweet gluten free flflour made with sorghum, also known as a pseudo-grain, sorghum is th...
15 Healthiest foods you should eat every day

15 Healthiest foods you should eat every day

  Green veggies Green veggies like spinach, kale, and broccoli will provide you with iron, folate, calcium, vitamins like vitamin C, beta carotene...
Kimchi offers even more health benefits - New study

Kimchi offers even more health benefits - New study

A traditional Korean staple, kimchi, is now becoming very popular worldwide. Kimchi is made with fermented cabbage and may include other vegetables...
Top 10 fibre rich foods - the ultimate list

Top 10 fibre rich foods - the ultimate list

  Recommended fibre intake for teenagers and adults 14-18 years:  Men 31 g  - Women 25 g 19–50 years:  Men 38 g  - Women 25 g 50+ years: Men 30 ...
How to use miso?

How to use miso?

fermented foods
What is miso? Miso is a traditional Japanese seasoning usually made with fermented soy. The fermented food adds an umami saltiness to anything...
Healthy oils to cook with - find the best oil for your needs

Healthy oils to cook with - find the best oil for your needs

Extra virgin olive oil  Nutrition experts consider extra virgin olive oil as one of the healthiest and the most versatile to consume and cook with...
Brits too tired to follow a healthy lifestyle - new study

Brits too tired to follow a healthy lifestyle - new study

Most of us want to feel and look better. We know we should eat healthy food, walk more, exercise more, and in general, follow a healthy lifestyle t...
How to get kids like to eat healthy food?

How to get kids like to eat healthy food?

We are what we eat, so if you eat junk food, you feel like junk food, right?  Sadly, many kids these days are accustomed to a diet full of highly ...
Where in Europe do they eat the healthiest?

Where in Europe do they eat the healthiest?

  A healthy diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, legumes and pulses provides our bodies with vitamins, minerals and fibre, b...